07/31/11 19:41
Parliament has adopted 111 bills in 81 sessions

"We will demand pace and discipline in the National Assembly, at the expense of the pre-election political rhetoric," said Velchev at the first session this year. Then, the changes in the laws on the judiciary, the legal basis needed for sustainable economic development and specific reforms in some sectors were outlined as a priority for the majority in Parliament.
A review of the work already done showed that a lot of the scheduled activities have been completed but there were some shortcomings as well. A few days ago, the establishment of the specialised court was postponed by six months - until January 1, 2012. The amendments to the Constitution, related to the Financial Stability Pact, were discussed on the last plenary day, while the vote is expected to take place in the autumn. The MPs learned about the imposition of the President's veto on the amendments to the Law on Diplomatic Service, shortly before their summer vacation.
The data shows that the PG of GERB has submitted the largest number of bills - 97 out of a total of 167. The intense legislative activity of the small group of the Blue Coalition is impressive: its 14 MPs submitted 73 bills and are leaders in terms of the number of projects prepared by one MP.
The Deputy-Chairman of the Blue Coalition, Martin Dimitrov, is the leader in the symbolic rating of the MPs with most bills submitted - 28. MPs from the Blue Coalition - Vanyo Sharkov and Lachezar Toshev rank second and third with 27 and 25 bills, respectively. The MPs from GERB Krasimir Tsipov and Ivaylo Toshev, occupy the forth and fifth position respectively, with 18 and 17 projects.
Two women, who often were irreconcilable political opponents - Iskra Fidosova from GERB and Maya Manolova from Coalition for Bulgaria – have submitted 11 bills each.
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Публикувана на 07/31/11 19:41 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176753_Parliament+has+adopted+111+bills+in+81+sessions
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