08/02/11 18:05
Tanov: Lukoil will operate as if it were licenced

Lukoil will operate as if it were licenced until the Court rules on the case, commented the Director of National Customs Agency, Vanyo Tanov to bTV. He was adamant that the refinery can process fuel in the same way as before the license revocation.
The Burgas company can resume its operation as the Administrative Court, Sofia City repealed the preliminary implementation of the decision on the withdrawal of the license issued by the Director of Customs Agency, Vanyo Tanov. The Customs' Head also indicated that the institution will appeal the decision and stated that there were no legal gaps regarding the ruling on the revocation of the refinery's licence.
"Perhaps the Court has issued an expedient ruling or this is a political decision," commented Tanov. Lukoil's statement argued that damages have been inflicted on the company. "The company is not a party to that contract since we have de facto signed an agreement with Lukoil Neftochim JSC, which is the party that failed to comply with the contract terms and conditions. We have made four attempts to warn the enterprise. Besides, during the last inspection in May this year, we definitely stressed that if no measures are taken, then such a decision will be taken. Besides, we have strictly observed the principles of the law," emphasised Tanov.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Burgas Customs Office notified personally the Head of Lukoil Neftochim JSC, Sergei Andronov that the refinery can resume its operation in the same way as before the license revocation, announced BNT (Bulgarian National Television). As soon as Lukoil was informed officially that it can start operations again, vessels carrying crude oil started arriving at the tankers terminal in order to be unloaded. Besides, empty tankers were waiting to be loaded with petroleum products. Although activity has been resumed, customs officers continue monitoring both the refinery and the Rosenets Oil Terminal, announced BNT.
Russian media, in turn, commented that the court's ruling was just in time since, as a result of the plant's decommissioning, a fuel crisis was imminent in Bulgaria, highlighted the business newspaper RBC Daily.
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Публикувана на 08/02/11 18:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176947_Tanov%3A+Lukoil+will+operate+as+if+it+were+licenced
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