08/11/11 20:38
The placement of warning signs in Vitosha Park has been considerably delayed

The association specified the specific areas on the Vitosha mountain, where the placement of safety railings was most needed. These are the paths and the site around the Boyana waterfall. Guard rails must be put on the rock located on the footway over the Boyana lake to the waterfall. The path from the Kominite rocks to the Kikisha area has to be protected as well. The path under the lift of Dragalevtsi from the Bay Krusty area to the lift sub station should also be secured and marked.
The path from the village of Dragalevtsi to the Aleko chalet is eroded and slippery in many places, and accidents often occur there. “The bridges on the way from the Aleko chalet to the village of Bistrica are decayed, and so are the wooden grills around the Morenite area,” pointed out experts from the association.
The currently demonstrated activities are only a simple attempt of Thoma Belev, Director of Vitosha Park, to avoid his dismissal because of the poor state of the park.
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Публикувана на 08/11/11 20:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177694_The+placement+of+warning+signs+in+Vitosha+Park+has+been+considerably+delayed
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