08/01/12 19:07
The state may take up maintenance of ski tracks in Vitosha Mountain

“The state may take up the maintenance of ski tracks in Vitosha Mountain in order to save the winter ski season,” Miroslav Naydenov, Minister of Agriculture, announced during a Cabinet meeting. We are looking for a solution before next season. “One option is for the State Forestry Enterprise to buy the equipment it needs to maintain the slopes in skiing conditions,” said Naydenov, although he personally hopes that it will not come to this. Two machines will have to be bought. Naydenov will entrust the director of the State Forestry Enterprise with the assessment of potential costs. “If that's the price we have to pay to make sure that citizens and visitors of the capital won't miss another ski season, we are prepared to pay it. As the Prime Minister noted, if you can drive a tractor, you can drive a snow groomer vehicle too,” Naydenov said.
“As of Wednesday, the Vitosha ski lifts are running, we are trying to figure out a plan for snow grooming,” explained Jordanka Fandakova, the Mayor of Sofia. She and Naydenov will organise another meeting of all concerned parties. “Sofia Municipality has no ownership over the land, but I can't just stand aside because this concerns hundreds of thousands of people in the capital,” Fandakova said. Unless another solution is found, the actual owner of the land, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, could take care of ski slopes in addition to paths through the forest there, so that people will be able to enjoy skiing as recreation.
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Публикувана на 08/01/12 19:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209588_The+state+may+take+up+maintenance+of+ski+tracks+in+Vitosha+Mountain
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