08/21/11 18:51
Bulgarian hotels offer up to 30% price reductions at the end of the season

“It is normal for the accommodation prices to drop, it is like the seasonal discounts for clothes,” said for Klassa Marin Neshkov, Chairman of the Varna Chamber of Tourism.
“On the other hand, price reductions are a matter of individual policy,” said Georgi Shterev, President of the Union of Hotel Owners at Golden Sands resort. If a four-star hotel in the Golden Sands resort offered a four nights package for BGN 520 for a holiday in the period from 10 July to 24 August, after that date up to 7 September the same package will cost BGN 388 and as of September 8 – BGN 324.
In a three-star hotel in the Albena resort, after August 27 there is an offer of BGN 47 per person in a double room, down from BGN 59 before that date.
The same trend could be noticed at the Southern Black Sea Coast. “There are four different price levels, depending on the season, which starts at the beginning of May and ends in mid-October,” said Mihail Popov, Executive Director of DIT Hotels in Sunny Beach. “In the late summer after 20 August, we are offering 10% discounts in all markets,” he added.
A five-star hotel in Pomorie offers a price of BGN 576 for four days between 6 July and 22 August on all inclusive basis, while from 23 August to 15 September the same package costs BGN 468.
Hotels of lower category, some guest houses and hosts, offering rooms, are also reducing prices in the range between 10% and 30%. If the accommodation cost BGN 20 per person at the peak of the season, now the price is down to BGN 12-15.
Not just Black Sea hotels, but mountain and spa hotels are also offering now attractive prices for the holidays, associated with the Unification Day on September 6. The offers start from BGN 36 per person per night.
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Публикувана на 08/21/11 18:51 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178428_Bulgarian+hotels+offer+up+to+30%25+price+reductions+at+the+end+of+the+season
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