08/23/11 18:48
Tsetska Tsacheva: Parties do not need more money from the State

As for the official decision of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) not to accept any donations, during the campaign for the upcoming local and presidential elections, Tsacheva commentedg "the party wants to be sure that the funds it spends during the campaign are transparent and public, in order to avoid any speculations about any individuals and companies close to it."
The comment by the Chairwoman of Parliament on the State subsidies comes literally days before their increase, which is a consequence of the upcoming raise in the minimum wage. By law, the parties which have MPs or received at least 1% of the pool in the last elections are granted an annual subsidy, amounting to 5% of the minimum wage for each submitted vote for them.
Now, the State subsidy is about BGN 50 mln, per annum and after the increase in the minimum wage it will increase by nearly BGN 6.2 mln. The subsidy of GERB will increase most substantially, because the party received about 1.7 mln votes in the past elections.
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Публикувана на 08/23/11 18:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178653_Tsetska+Tsacheva%3A+Parties+do+not+need+more+money+from+the+State+
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