08/25/11 18:01
Road reconstruction of 107 km between Silistra and Shumen to begin

The Prime Minister said that during a severe financial crisis the Government had managed to find money in order to improve the quality of the road because it was an important transport link in Northeastern Bulgaria.
During the symbolic first sod, PM Borissov explained that there was not a single mayor from the political party GERB in the minucipalities along the entire route, in response to accusations that only mayors from the ruling party were implementing EU-funded projects. More than 90% of the large municipalities are beneficiaries of Operational Programme Regional Development, added Minister Plevneliev.
The funds earmarked for the reconstruction of the Silistra-Shumen road amount to BGN 42.38 mln, excluding VAT. Some 65% of them will be allocated under the Transit Roads 5 programme, and the balance will come from the State budget. The project will be implemented within 24 months by Patinzheneringstroy-T company which offers a one-year guarantee for the road.
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Публикувана на 08/25/11 18:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178893_Road+reconstruction+of+107+km+between+Silistra+and+Shumen+to+begin
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