04/11/11 17:46
JV Varnaferry between Bulgarian River Shipping and Navibulgar to take up ferry line operation

“This is part of the administrative steps needed in order to get the company operating,” said Dragomir Kochanov, Executive Director of BRS. Two Russian vessels, Avangard and Slavyanin, shipping mainly goods from Russia to Bulgaria, are currently sailing along the Varna-Caucasus ferry line once or twice a week.
The construction of a Bulgarian ferryboat was supposed to begin last year when Navibulgar was selected as Bulgaria’s carrier. According to statistics, the annual turnover of goods along the ferryboat line registered some 332% growth in 2010, compared to 2009. Transported cargoes included mainly natural gas and fertilisers.
The ferryboat between Varna and Caucasus is the only direct transportation link between the two countries. The Varna-Caucasus ferry will be playing an important part in the implementation of energy projects because equipment, pipes and materials for the construction of routes will be delivered more quickly, experts forecast.
Its launching in 2009 reduced the time for transportation by 40% and the distance by 800 km, compared to the former ferry line Varna-Ilychevsk.
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Публикувана на 04/11/11 17:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/165178_JV+Varnaferry+between+Bulgarian+River+Shipping+and+Navibulgar+to+take+up+ferry+line+operation+
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