08/25/11 18:48
UDF and CDF sign pre-election agreement without DSB

The recently established CDF is a union of parties, whose leaders - Stefan Sofiyanski, Evgeni Bakardzhiev, Lyuben Dilov Jr – wanted more independence because of disagreements with Ivan Kostov, incumbent leader of Democrats for Strong Bulgaria (DSB). There are no reasons for discussing a disintegration of the Blue Coalition, Boris Markov and Veselin Metodiev, chairs of UDF’s and DSB’s campaign headquarters, assured unanimously today.
“I do not think that any party functionary would call into question the existence of the Blue Coalition because of bickering over at a local level,” stated Markov, referring to the continuing disagreements between the UDF and DSB about the distribution of positions in the election list for municipal councillors in Sofia.
DSB leader Ivan Kostov was not reached for comment. In right-wing circles, it is claimed that he will not give up his demand that the ticket for municipal councillors in the capital city should be compiled observing the 3:2 ratio, while UDF agrees to cede the first two positions to DSB representatives and then the distribution to be in a 1:1 ratio.
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Публикувана на 08/25/11 18:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/178901_UDF+and+CDF+sign+pre-election+agreement+without+DSB
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