09/07/11 18:04
Drivers who don't stop at pedestrain crossings to have their licenses revoked for a month, Traffic Police suggests
The management of the Metropolitan Police Service has suggested that drivers who do not stop at pedestrian crossings have their licenses suspended for a month. The proposal will be tabled in the Parliament soon, said the head of the Metropolitan Police Traffic, chief inspector Bogdan Milchev. He added that there are plans to increase fines for such violations.
Chief Inspector Bogdan Milchev made his remarks during the campaign "Raise a hand, stop the intruder", organized together by the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Standard daily. Organisers urge pedestrians to alert drivers with hand held high, before crossing the street. The aim is to reduce the number of casualties occuring when pedestrians cross the streets.
In the period from 1 of January to 31 of August 2011 in Sofia some 9,819 road accidents have been registered; 42 people have been killed and 960 - injured.
Chief Inspector Bogdan Milchev made his remarks during the campaign "Raise a hand, stop the intruder", organized together by the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Standard daily. Organisers urge pedestrians to alert drivers with hand held high, before crossing the street. The aim is to reduce the number of casualties occuring when pedestrians cross the streets.
In the period from 1 of January to 31 of August 2011 in Sofia some 9,819 road accidents have been registered; 42 people have been killed and 960 - injured.
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Публикувана на 09/07/11 18:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/180084_Drivers+who+don%27t+stop+at+pedestrain+crossings+to+have+their+licenses+revoked+for+a+month%2C+Traffic+Police+suggests
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