05/27/12 16:10
22% of Bulgarians in the big cities visit shopping malls at least once a month

Over a fifth of adult Bulgarians living in big cities visit shopping malls once a month - whether for shopping, going to restaurants, movies or just for a promenade, according to the data from the latest national representative survey of TNS (Taylor Nelson Sofres) BBSS (Balkan British Social Surveys), commissioned by Klassa daily.
22% of adult Bulgarians living in the big cities (district cities and Sofia) spend some part of their free time in shopping malls at least once a month. The most regular visitors to malls are 2% of our citizens where they go for shopping, strolling around or going to cinemas or restaurants in the trade centres several times a week, almost daily. Understandably, the frequency of visits and shopping in malls is significantly higher among women, as well as among Bulgarians of 18-25 years of age, along with citizens having incomes and social status above the national average.
Despite the considerable share of Bulgarians who visit malls for shopping or frequent promenades, the survey data reported a slight decline in the share of Bulgarians who make their purchases from commercial centres of the shopping mall type once a month or more often. In 2010, one-fifth of the residents of district cities and Sofia(20%), admitted that they have bought goods from malls once a month or more often. Today, this share is about 3 percentage points lower.
Despite the effects of the promotion of malls on consumer culture, we registered a positive growth of the share of Bulgarians who shared the attitude that trade in shopping malls is carried out to the detriment of small businesses. This opinion was expressed by some 40% of the population residing both in the larger cities and at the national level. Two years ago, the share of these rather critical assessments was significantly lower because, at that point, attitudes were rather that shopping malls are beneficial to the economy of our country.
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Публикувана на 05/27/12 16:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204916_22%25+of+Bulgarians+in+the+big+cities+visit+shopping+malls+at+least+once+a+month
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