09/20/11 18:53
The Alma Tour Company is declared insolvent

The tour operator is among the largest creditors of the Central Cooperative Bank, where most of its assets have been pledged against a loan of BGN 26 mln. The company owes money to the Armeets Insurance Company and to Bulgaria Air as well, reported the news agency. According to Sofia Press, the tour operator is going to be taken over by the Himimimport Group.
Data from the trade register indicates that Alma Tour holding comprises 7 companies. The Tamplier hotel in Bansko, the Atlas hotel in Varna, as well as offices in several countries are among the most valuable assets of the tour operator.
The poor financial condition of the Alma Tour Company became obvious on September 9, when Bulgaria Air refused to transport hundreds of Russian and Finnish tourists brought here by the tour operator because of debts amounting to BGN 7 mln. Flights had to be re-paid by Russian tour operators and guarantee funds. Currently, in Varna and Burgas, there are more stranded tourists whose flights are scheduled for September 23 and 30.
At an urgently organised press conference yesterday, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Ivo Marinov said that a total of 183 Bulgarian customers of Alma Tour will return on Saturday from Greece and Turkey with another tour operator - the Astral Holidays company. According to Hristo Galbachev, Executive Director of Alma Tour, 6 more upcoming flights with Bulgaria Air, from various points in Europe, have already been agreed.
The Commission for Consumer Protection will initiate an inspection, said its acting Chairman Alexander Maslarski.
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Публикувана на 09/20/11 18:53 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/181435_+The+Alma+Tour+Company+is+declared+insolvent
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