06/05/12 19:00
The Ministry of Environment and Water proposes that Bulgarian municipalities monitor online the air pollution level

By the end of November 2012, all municipalities which have established high levels of pollution with dust particles will upload online information on the indicators. The project also includes the installation of special displays to export data for public open spaces, stated on Tuesday on the occasion of the World Environment Day, the Minister of Environment and Water, Nona Karadjova. According to her, in May alone, because of the torrential rainfall, dust pollution levels decreased four-fold, thus requiring a regular cleaning of the streets when the weather allows it where possible in order to reduce the air pollution level in the atmospheric air. The Minister also announced that she will submit a draft decree of the Council of Ministers pursuant to which, as of October 1 this year, all plastic bags will be available to store customers, but levied with a product fee, in contrast to the hitherto charge on the bags being below a certain thickness in microns.
Karadjova specified that it will be proposed for motor vehicles violating the rules and entering national parks to be seized. The project also includes the proposal addressed to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works referring to the outlining of bike lanes, where this is possible, in case of repair of roads.
A new sociological poll commissioned by the Ministry was presented, reporting the ecological culture of Bulgarians. This year, a mere 0.1% of our citizens identified ecological problems as major ones, while 84% of them stated that ecology is a topic which greatly intrigues them. Over 70% of respondents described the current state of the environment as "rather poor", while over the last three years over 20% of the surveyed responded that the situation is deteriorating.
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Публикувана на 06/05/12 19:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205969_The+Ministry+of+Environment+and+Water+proposes+that+Bulgarian+municipalities+monitor+online+the+air+pollution+level
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