04/04/11 18:54

Elite language schools have not yet decided on the elimination of the quotas for boys and girls

Elite language schools do not accept warmly the idea suggested by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (MEYS) for the quotas for boys and girls to be abolished, established a check of Klassa daily.

Last week, in Stara Zagora, Minister of Education, Sergei Ignatov appealed to school directors to eliminate the quotas for boys and girls during this year's admissions. Until now, admission took place on the basis of a 50 - 50 ratio. According to him, the quotas come down to pure sexual discrimination. It is well known that boys enter the elite schools almost always with lower scores than girls. Ignatov rejected the claims that in this way the elite schools will turn into schools for girls. The abolition of the quotas will be stipulated in the Bill on School Education, which is being drafted by MEYS officials.

"The quotas provided equal opportunities for admission to secondary schools for both to boys and girls,” stated for Klassa Stoyanka Tomova, Assistant Director at the 91st German Language School in Sofia. According to her, if the quotas are suspended, at least 80% of secondary school students will probably be girls. She added that girls are more hard -working and have higher scores, so there is a risk for secondary schools to become fully female. "This is not fair towards the boys. Schools are a place where there should be girls and boys," commented Tomova. The other colleagues of Todorova from the language schools are of the same opinion. "Such a system, if implemented, means that the ranking will be done on the basis of grades and there will be merely 3-4 guys in each class," said Vanya Sotirova, Director of the Stara Zagora Language School "Romain Rolland".

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