11/07/11 19:02
Some BGN 600, 000 in budgetary subsidies to GERB from independent MPs

The audit was commissioned on September 2, after parliamentary discussions on the allocation of funds granted to MPs who had left Parliament, or who had been excluded from their parliamentary groups.
According to the report, there were 17 independent MPs, as of 30 June 2011 and they were already 18 by September this year.
In early January, Darin Mattov, Dimitar Kolev, Todor Velikov joined GERB. Prior to that, they were members of the Order Law and Justice (OLJ) party. The ruling party received a total of BGN 295,368, for the first six months of the year because of this move. On January 20, Kasim Dal, who had left in January the Movement for Rights and Freedoms party voted with GERB as well. In 2010, Ventsislav Varbanov from the United Agrarians political party, Dimitar Chukarski from OLJ and Mario Tagarinski who first had been affiliated with the United Agrarians party and then to GEEB voted with GERB as well. In June 2010, Varbanov declared his membership to GERB, and so, the ruling party received additional budgetary subsidy of BGN 49,228.
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Публикувана на 11/07/11 19:02 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/186113_Some+BGN+600%2C+000+in+budgetary+subsidies+to+GERB+from+independent+MPs
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