11/28/11 18:38
BDZ incurs losses amounting to more than BGN 440,000 in the first four days of the strike

“The losses of the BDZ Freight Services Directorate are about BGN 60-70, 000 ,” said for Klassa Plamen Dzhurov, company’s Manager. He explained that they came from additional costs for redirection of shipments during the night. Workers are paid overtime and the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) is charging higher fees for these extra activities. Schedules are being changed every day. “There is no outflow of consignors; in the recent days, there has even been an over fulfillment of the company’s plans," explained Dzhurov.
Despite the expectations for negotiations, a meeting between the management and the strikers was not held yesterday. Officials from the press office explained that now negotiating of loan extensions is an urgent priority for the holding company.
Above 80% of the passenger trains in the country stopped for a fifth consecutive day, according to information from the trade unions. Since the beginning of the strike, no train has left from the Central Stations in the towns of Sofia, Pernik, Mezdra, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Plovdiv, Burgas and Stara Zagora.
Meanwhile, the BDZ Freight Services Directorate filed a complaint against ten employees of the company with the Sofia City Court. According to the managers, they have staged the protests. The claim is aimed at declaring the strike illegal.
Some 30 trains will be stopped from travelling today. This is the first phase from the plan for reforms in BDZ. It is envisaged that in the next two weeks the number of passenger trains will be reduced gradually, so that on December 12, the travelling trains will be just 138.
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Публикувана на 11/28/11 18:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/188198_BDZ+incurs+losses+amounting+to+more+than+BGN+440%2C000+in+the+first+four+days+of+the+strike+
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