01/15/12 18:08
CEZ to invest a total of BGN 837,000 in the electrical grid in western Bulgaria

“The investments, which we will make, are targeted at one main and important goal - to continuously enhance the security and quality of the services which we offer to more than 2 million customers,” said Peter Dokladal, Regional Manager of CEZ Bulgaria.
Meanwhile, officials from the Austrian EVN company said that competition on the free market of electricity in Bulgaria is in danger because of the upcoming amendments to the Energy Act. The company experts believe that excluding small and medium-sized businesses from the regulated market segment will lead to a price increase in the electricity for businesses. The reason for this is that, until companies find a supplier, they will receive electricity from the providers of last resort such as Electricity Distribution Companies.
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Публикувана на 01/15/12 18:08 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/192421_CEZ+to+invest+a+total+of+BGN+837%2C000+in+the+electrical+grid+in+western+Bulgaria
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