11/14/11 18:58
Bulgargaz demands a 17.65% price increase in 2012

If the proposal of Bulgargaz is accepted, the heating energy in the country would inevitably rise by over 10%. So far, the energy regulator has always found inner reserves in order to mitigate the price increase of natural gas. Experts from the SEWRC even stated that they did not expect any change in the price of the heating energy this winter. On 9 December, the gas company will submit a formal proposal for the new prices.
Meanwhile, it became clear that the Russian Gazprom company is ready to review its gas prices for European consumers, posted the Russian Novye Izvestia daily. According to the release, the European partners of the Russian company are dissatisfied with the supplier’s dictate and started to seek a review of their contracts last year. Natural gas prices were reduced as a result of negotiations or court decisions for some of the countries. The prices of Russian gas for European consumers increased by 15% in the last year alone.
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Публикувана на 11/14/11 18:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/186803_Bulgargaz+demands+a+17.65%25+price+increase+in+2012+
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