05/13/12 19:44
Higher energy and fuel prices are the reason for the expected price increase in the summer

The managers surveyed by BCCI were split on the issue whether energy prices would rise over the coming summer. Some 38% expected a slight increase in energy prices. Meanwhile, 30% of the polled persons anticipated a substantial price surge. Nearly a quarter of the respondents (23%) believed that prices would remain unstable and would change in both directions. Only 2% thought that there would be no change in fuel and electricity prices. Almost all company managers (96%) stated that their energy expenditures had increased during the first quarter of 2012, compared to the corresponding quarter of 2010. The majority of BCCI members (87%) declared that energy prices had increased on an annual basis. Only 2% of the respondents indicated that their energy costs had dropped in the first quarter of 2012.
The calculations of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission showed an increase of about 10% in electricity prices and of 7-8% in the price of natural gas at the beginning of July. According to experts, however, the rates of the power plants remain a real challenge for the setting up of the prices for next year because they have to pay for carbon emission allowances. On the other hand, the share of electricity produced by renewable energy sources, which the National Electricity Company buys at higher prices, will increase.
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Публикувана на 05/13/12 19:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203781_Higher+energy+and+fuel+prices+are+the+reason+for+the+expected+price+increase+in+the+summer
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