11/22/11 20:15
The Confederation of Labour "Podkrepa": Totyu Mladenov maintains the social dialogue

Yesterday, the trade unions Confederation of Labour "Podkrepa" and Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (CITUB) defended the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Totyu Mladenov after Boyko Borissov announced on November 20 that he might demand his resignation because of the tension he stirred in the trade unions. The Vice Presidents of CITUB and of CL "Podkrepa" blamed for the conflict in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation the Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Djankov, who has been very inconsistent in terms of the implementation of the pension reform. On November 20, CITUB and CL "Podkrepa" stated that they will withdraw from the Tripartite Council because of the provision for the unprecedented increase in the retirement age. According to them, the decision of the Finance Minister's team is outrageous because, exactly 10 days ago, Djankov denied that he will raise the retirement age.
"Totyu Mladenov is the politician who maintains the social dialogue in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation," stated before Klassa daily, Dimitar Manolov, Vice President of CL "Podkrepa". Valentin Nikiforov, CITUB Vice President, commented on his part that the syndicates will not vote for or against the Social Minister's resignation, but he was far from thinking that Mladenov should become the scapegoat of the interrupted dialogue in the Tripartite Council. According to the two unions, the politician to be blamed for the lack of dialogue is the Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Djankov, who is also acting as the Council's Chairman.
Totyu Mladenov himself reacted composedly to the PM's criticism, stating that he is ready to submit his resignation if Borissov demands it. At the same time, he warned that he is working for a return to dialogue in the Council.
Boyko Borissov commented yesterday that Finance Minister Simeon Djankov made a mistake when he pressed ahead with the presentation of the pension reform. He was also blamed for setting a deadline to Mladenov until tomorrow morning to sign the deadline for the reform. Afterwards, he will meet with the trade unions to discuss these issues.
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Публикувана на 11/22/11 20:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/187617_The+Confederation+of+Labour+%22Podkrepa%22%3A+Totyu+Mladenov+maintains+the+social+dialogue
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