11/07/11 19:15
Increase in the retirement age in the Ministries of Interior, Defence and Justice

The NCTC will continue to discuss the increase in the retirement age on 15 November as well. The Confederation of Labour 'Podkrepa' proposed the general increase of all pensions of 10% - this initiative will cost the state Treasury some BGN 347 mln. As long as there are enough funds, we should start raising the lowest pensions, indicated in his turn the Chairman of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Tsvetan Simeonov.
Currently, discussions are underway between trade unions and employers on the topic of flexible payment of civil servants by the formula 70% flat salary and up to 30% extra remuneration. The business sector also supported this proposal.
The Confederation representatives demanded the criminalisation of non-payment of social security contributions by employers, as Klassa daily already reported. "We have agreed that in such cases, penalties could be introduced on employers as well. The question was whether the fine would be a percentage over the minimum salary or a set specific amount," confirmed the Chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), Bozhidar Danev.
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Публикувана на 11/07/11 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/186114_Increase+in+the+retirement+age+in+the+Ministries+of+Interior%2C+Defence+and+Justice
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