12/06/11 19:10
Breast cancer kills 1,200 Bulgarian women each year

For the past 11 years, Bulgaria has registered a considerable progress in the prevention of breast cancer and the newly detected first-stage cases increased by 9%, indicated Assoc. Professor Valerianova. However, it is still particularly alarming that in all Bulgarian districts the newly registered late-stage cases are no less than 30%. The main reason for the negative data relates to the lack of nationwide breast cancer screening programmes. "The preventive medical check-ups funded by the National Health Insurance Fund are actually not mammographic screening tests. Healthy women are usually subject to these screening examinations," commented Assoc. Professor Valerianova. She reminded that in 2000, the National Breast Cancer Screening Programme was adopted, but it remained only on paper.
Each year, the EU registers new 350,000 breast cancer patients and overall 130,000 death cases, announced the Italian oncologist, Roberto Gennaro. The breast cancer disease constitutes 26.5% of all oncological cases and 17.5% of all cancer deaths among women. The highest cancer incidence is observed in countries of Northwest Europe such as Sweden, France and Belgium, while the lowest cancer rate is registered in the southeastern part of Europe, added Roberto Gennaro. He highlighted that since the 1980s of last century a reduction in death cases had been observed due to the improved treatment and early diagnosis.
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Публикувана на 12/06/11 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189035_Breast+cancer+kills+1%2C200+Bulgarian+women+each+year
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