03/16/11 20:46
A total of 1,200 young people with an internship at the state administration

A total of 1,200 students will be granted the opportunity of serving a 9-month internship at Bulgarian municipalities and the central administration. These are part of the measures of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for countering youth unemployment. Young people will undergo a traineeship under the Career Start programme which was presented yesterday at the "National Career Days 2011" Forum held at the National Palace of Culture (NPC), Sofia. The Deputy Minister of Social Policy, Krassimir Popov, announced that amendments were drafted on the Employment Promotion Act, as well as the operation of the electronic employment exchange which will be optimised. Besides, this year, over 100 specialised job fairs will be organised.
At the forum's inauguration, Doctor Konstantin Trenchev, Chairman of the Confederation of Labour 'Podkrepa', addressed young people by reckoning that Bulgaria was one unregulated place but somebody has to introduce order to it. The ''National Career Days 2011" Forum was also attended by the MP Svetlana Angelova, who is also a Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour and Social Policy. She proposed a permanent forum to be established, as well as an advisory body on the problems of young specialists.
The annual ''National Career Days 2011" Forum helps students establish contacts with potential employers. This year, overall 92 companies from different industries were involved. Among the participants were banks, telecom operators, companies from the IT sector and others. For the first time, the job fair was attended by representatives of the Sofia Municipality. As of yesterday, until April 6, the forum will be held in the cities of Varna, Veliko Tarnovo, Ruse, Svishtov, Plovdiv and Burgas.
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Публикувана на 03/16/11 20:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162393_A+total+of+1%2C200+young+people+with+an+internship+at+the+state+administration
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