07/12/11 18:17
Israel wants a total of 1,000 Bulgarian construction workers

Bulgaria's integration in the EU and the commercial - economic relations between Europe and China were the main topics on the agenda during the discussion. “I hope that the European Commission will help Bulgaria deal with some issues in the field of exports and trade,” said De Gucht. According to him, China is an important partner but also a fierce competitor and one of the most promising markets. “We want these markets to be open to us in order to be able to export and participate in tender procedures, in contract agreements, public procurement orders, and avoid impediments in the purchasing of raw materials. We would like not to be discriminated against in terms of investment in China,” noted the guest. “This is related to the issue of intellectual property which we want to protect,” he added.
The European Commissioner explained that he had visited Bulgaria in 2006 in his capacity as President of the OSCE. ”I can say that your country has changed very rapidly since then and your entry in the European Union has contributed to the modernisation of the country,” said Karel De Gucht.
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Публикувана на 07/12/11 18:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174893_Israel+wants+a+total+of+1%2C000+Bulgarian+construction+workers+
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