05/15/11 18:54
EC to discuss the restrictions for Bulgarian workers in 10 countries

According to EC data for 2010, some 430,000 Bulgarians reside in EU countries, the Employment Agency told Klassa. The largest Bulgarian community is in Spain, where according to official figures live about 168,000 of our compatriots. Germany follows with around 66,000 Bulgarians residing there, next comes Greece with 54,000 Bulgarians and Italy with 46,000 of our fellow countrymen. According to the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria on Migration and Integration for 2008-2015, about 200,000 Bulgarians live in the U.S., about 45,000 - in Canada, 15,000-20,000 - in South Africa and about the same number - in Australia. According to Bulgarian data, the number of our compatriots in Greece is considerably greater - about 110,000.
Jobs abroad are mainly sought by seasonal workers who want to be hired at hotels, restaurants and in agriculture. The other category of people that address the Employment Agency are university graduates that hope to get better pay and professional realisation abroad.
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Публикувана на 05/15/11 18:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/168651_EC+to+discuss+the+restrictions+for+Bulgarian+workers+in+10+countries
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