01/03/12 19:10
Hospitals to report number of childbirths in an online register

Every hospital in Bulgaria is now obliged to report the number of births performed in an online register, announced yesterday the Ministry of Health. Over the past three months of last year, the register operated in a test mode, but since January, the data entry is mandatory for every hospital with an obstetrics and gynecology ward. The innovation is expected to allow for higher control over the clinics as well as ensure maximum safety and quality for patient care. The online register will also facilitate the taking of timely management decisions, added the Health Ministry.
Hospitals are required to submit the data up to three days after childbirth. Authorised specialists servicing the online register, will bear personal responsibility for the information entered by them. The register shall indicate the place, date and time of birth, as well as information about the mother and the newborn child along with data on how the actual birth delivery proceeded. Besides, the register will indicate the names of the doctor who headed the delivery team as well as the type of pregnancy and if the mother is willing to abandon her baby. The online register was mounted in the Data Center of the Ministry of Health, and it is maintained by the eHealth department.
In fact, only the Health Ministry will be granted access to the entire information. As of next week, every Bulgarian citizen, in his/her turn, will be able to check the real-time number of newborn infants in the different Bulgarian districts. Besides, a total of BGN 28,000 were spent on the development of the online register, reminded the Ministry of Health.
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Публикувана на 01/03/12 19:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191393_Hospitals+to+report+number+of+childbirths+in+an+online+register
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