03/27/11 17:56
Festival at NPC to present important persons in the field of education in Bulgaria
This year's festival will run under the heading "The Persons in Education” and includes a number of new initiatives. The organisers reported that more than 150 secondary schools, vocational schools, private schools and kindergartens, high schools, colleges, language and arts schools, sports clubs, publishers and others will partake in the annual festival, which has been organised since 2005. The visitors will be able to participate in more than 30 creative workshops of fine and applied arts, sports, computer technology, media, science, technology and others.
Discussion forums on current issues of education will be held at the festival, along with a permanent concert program, involving schools, children's and youth ensembles. This year's festival programme includes a national sports landscape in the area of the NPC, which will be held under the patronage of the Minister of Physical Education and Sports, Svilen Neykov, and a marathon in performing arts.
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Публикувана на 03/27/11 17:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163520_Festival+at+NPC+to+present+important+persons+in+the+field+of+education+in+Bulgaria
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