01/04/12 18:30
Austria is not going to open its labour market for Bulgarian workers

The European Commission is going to consider the opinions of 9 EU countries, which are intending to maintain or cancel the restrictions for employment of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens, said Ryan Heath, Spokesperson for Vice President Neelie Kroes at European Commission, on Tuesday. Officials from the EC Representation in Sofia explained for Klassa that certainly this would not happen this week, as it was announced initially.
Out of the 9 countries - Austria, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and Italy, only the last one officially announced late last year the lift of the ban for Bulgarians and Romanians to participate freely in its labour market. The Netherlands, Great Britain and Belgium also officially confirmed that they will keep the restrictions to the utmost latest date - the end of 2013.
Late last year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Bulgaria received official notification from Italy that the country intended to open its labour market for Bulgarian citizens, as of 1 January 2012.
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov sent a letter of gratitude to his Italian counterpart Mario Monti, where he stated: "Italy has shown not only in words but in deeds, that real European thinking means giving the right of free choice to all European citizens to work where they want, and opening and accepting diversity, which is to the benefit both of national and the European economies."
Germany partially opens its labour market to Bulgarian and Romanian workers. As of 1 January 2012, it allows agricultural workers from both countries who have no work permit to be employed in the country for a period less than 6 months.
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Публикувана на 01/04/12 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191476_Austria+is+not+going+to+open+its+labour+market+for+Bulgarian+workers
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