01/04/12 18:38
The Port of Varna expects a profit of BGN 3 mln in 2012
“Varna Port expects a net profit of around BGN 3 mln at the end of 2012,” Daniel Papazov, Executive Director of the port, told Klassa. According to him, an even better economic performance could be achieved if there is no crisis on the international markets. About 8 million tonnes of cargo, roughly equivalent to the port’s capacity are projected to be handled this year. A total of 73 permanent contracts have already been signed. The plants in Devnya are among the largest shippers and grain is among the most exported goods.Around BGN 19 mln is expected to be invested in the renovation of the port’s equipment and its investment programme projects the purchase of two mobile cranes worth some BGN 10 mln.Purchase of grain loading devices for Port of Varna - West is projected as well and nearly BGN 7 mln will be invested in the rehabilitation of the port’s infrastructure.
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Публикувана на 01/04/12 18:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191479_The+Port+of+Varna+expects+a+profit+of+BGN+3+mln+in+2012+
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