03/29/12 20:00
BSE-Sofia ends 2011 with a profit of BGN 314,000

Last year, the Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia JSC ended the financial year with a profit of BGN 314,000, while the previous two years it reported financial losses, showed the audited statement of the operator for 2011. The company estimated that the financial year reported a very low liquidity rate of the Bulgarian capital market as a result of the ongoing economic crisis in our country. The total turnover in shares (excluding the Special Investment Purpose Companies) on the regulated market reported a slump of more than 20% and there was a mere 33% turnover decline in the Official Market of Equities, Segment A. The report clearly indicated that the company's revenues reached BGN 2.99 mln or 2. 4% more year-on-year. Expenditures declined by 1.84% on an annual basis down to BGN 2.66 mln. At the end of December, the operator reported profit per share to the amount of BGN 0,05 and its own capital reached BGN 10.28 mln and this will increase by 3.15%.
Experts calculated that three of the BSE indices reported a decline on an annual basis. The SOFIX blue-chip index ended 2011 with an 11.8% slump, while BGTR 30 had a 13.19% decrease. The lowest reduction was observed in the BG 40, which lost a mere 1.65%. The main decrease in the values of the indices were reported during the second half of the year, said BSE representatives.
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Публикувана на 03/29/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199924_BSE-Sofia+ends+2011+with+a+profit+of+BGN+314%2C000+
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