05/28/12 18:56
Minister of Culture Rashidov to seek at least BGN 30 mln in subsidies

Minister of Culture, Vezhdi Rashidov will demand that the budget allocations for 2013 for the culture sector be increased by at least BGN 30 mln. In the bTV morning block, Rashidov predicted that the the discussion of the draft budget would tackle again that tough topic, since this year the ministry's budget amount of BGN 84 mln was increased to BGN 118 mln even though in times of a severe crisis.
"I will request some BGN 30 mln more than the projected budget allocations to increase wages in the sectors scientific research, administration of theaters, archeology, restoration, preservation as well as copyright and movie production," announced the Minister of Culture. Rashidov stressed that it was inadmissible for the people of culture and arts to be sought by the parties only for winning the elections, and then at the end of the government mandate to be forgotten.
The Minister was confident that if his Office received the requested additional funds, there would be an option for an increase of wages in the cultural sector by 25-30%. Rashidov regretted that the financial need of this sphere had always been underestimated, while the spectacular needs of other sectors were more important.
Rashidov's statement provoked fervent reactions in the cultural circles.
"The salaries in the culture sector are among the lowest, because the budget allocations for culture have always been estimated on a residual basis. It would be great if the Minister manages to achieve an increase in the budget projections for culture," stated before Klassa daily, the Director of the Sofia Satire Theater, Ivan Popyordanov.
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