01/11/12 20:00
99.92% of the annual plan of the Bulgarian Tobacco Fund have been implemented

The expenditure part of the Bulgarian Tobacco Fund's budget was implemented 99.92%, based on the final annual plan and the main parameters featuring the financial Fund's situation in 2010 are very optimistic, announced the government press service after the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) Cabinet adopted the annual financial report.
The State Fund Agriculture (SAT) announced that the second tranche was transferred under the scheme for national co-payments for animals to the amount of BGN 18 mln. As early as tomorrow, a total of 8, 021 farmers will receive the grant of BGN 59 per animal. After December's authorisation of financial aid, the agricultural grant per animal reached BGN 150, while the total amount of the subsidy stands at more than BGN 46 mln, added SAT.
The press office of the State Fund Agriculture also announced that the approved projects of companies from the food-processing and forestry industry will receive 21,319,500 BGN under Measure 123 "Adding value to agricultural and forestry products" of the Rural Development Programme. The funds will be utilised for the construction of seven meat processing plants, while upgrading another sixteen factories. Besides, the setting up of undertakings for sunflower oil processing is envisaged, as well as the establishment of dried fruit factories and a winery.
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Публикувана на 01/11/12 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/192136_99.92%25+of+the+annual+plan+of+the+Bulgarian+Tobacco+Fund+have+been+implemented
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