01/19/12 18:57
VAT rate on tour operators serving corporate clients up by 20%

Until April 2011, organised tourists paid a 7% VAT for their tourist packages and individual ones – 20%. On April 1, 2011, a single charge for both tourist types of 9% was introduced due to the suggestion of the European Commission.
The increased tax rate will be imposed on deals in which tour operators provide packages to their clients not directly but through another travel agency.
"The raise in VAT will hit mainly corporate customers which have increased in number over recent years," said on this occasion for Klassa Rumen Draganov, Director of the Institute for Analysis and Assessments in Tourism. But he confirmed the information of MOF that the new VAT rate will not influence end users. "The increase will lower tour operators’ revenues. Tourist companies will be most affected because customers will prefer to go directly to the hotels, rather than rely on tour operators," said Draganov. Thus, companies in the industry will both pay the increased levy and lose customers.
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Публикувана на 01/19/12 18:57 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/192899_VAT+rate+on+tour+operators+serving+corporate+clients+up+by+20%25
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