01/25/12 19:36

Metropolitan bishop Natanail opposes the declassification of the secret files of the seniour clergy

Today, the Metropolitan Bishop of the Eparchy of Nevrokop, Natanail, declared himself against the declassification of the secret files of the clergymen and urged his colleagues from the Holy Synod not to provide the Secret Files Commission with the required data.

"We declare that we did not serve as secret agents to the Communist National Security Service and we will not act now as informants, who will disclose the names and personal data of the clergymen, including the chairmen of the church board, the church wardens, the abbots / nuns and the members of the monastic councils in the diocese of the Holy Eparchy of Nevrokop," states Natanail in his standpoint, circulated by the media. The senior cleric served as a secret collaborator to the First Chief Directorate of State Security Service under the nickname Blagoev.

Three days ago, he did not back the final decision of the Holy Synod to send a letter to all Metropolitan Bishops, notifying them about the content of the official letter of the Head of the Secret Files Commission, Evtim Kostadinov and asking about compliance and enforcement of the Commission's decision. In his letter, Kostadinov demands all data associated with the clerics serving in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in order to make the necessary inspection.

"We are convinced that this indecent precedent seeks to establish new total control over the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which will be worse and more insidious than the communist rule. Wouldn't that be a reason for ignition of a new schism, which will destroy and why not annihilate the local Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which is actually the eternal spiritual support of the Bulgarian people?!? We will uphold and defend at any cost our principle position. The Bulgarian Holy Church must defend its independence and constitutional rights," indicated in his official stance Natanail.

"The interference in the internal ecclesiastical life is a blatant violation of the autonomy of the Holy Church from the state-governed institutions. The democratic and rule-of-law state must respect the supreme law - the Constitution."
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