05/16/12 18:26
New parliamentary committee to investigate Parvanov and Marin

Again the committee will only look at the period between January 2002 and January 2012, which includes the two mandates of Georgi Parvanov and Angel Marin.
The MPs from the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), however, vowed that they would approach the Constitutional Court again, since, in practice, there was no difference between the old and the new committee. The MPs from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), and Ivan Kostov, Co-chair of the Blue Coalition were of the same opinion.
Pavel Shopov, MP from the National Union Ataka said that it was not appropriate for Yane Yanev to be the new Chairman of the committee. On his turn, Yanev stated that "the proposal of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) for submitting MPs to psychological tests must be approved." He stated further that this was needed because Shopov only showered twice a year.
Ultimately, the committee was set up with the voices of GERB, of independent MPs and part of the MPs from the Blue Coalition. Juliana Koleva, MP from GERB, was elected as Chairperson, instead of Yane Yanev. This was following claims on the part of BSP, Ataka and MRF, which laid down the condition Yanev not to head the committee in order to nominate their members. After violent disputes, the leader of Order Law and Justice finally decided to withdraw his candidacy, including as a regular member of the committee. Yanev was replaced by Emil Vassilev, MP from OLJ. "Are you satisfied now?", asked Vassilev the MPs from the left-wing party.
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Публикувана на 05/16/12 18:26 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204121_New+parliamentary+committee+to+investigate+Parvanov+and+Marin
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