02/05/12 19:50
Boyko Borissov: The environment is a top priority for Bulgaria

My attitude towards the nuclear energy sector is similar, stated the Bulgarian Prime Minister. "If I was sure that NPP Belene would operate cost-effectively and that it complied with the nuclear safety standards and would not be decommissioned in 10 years, I would sign that moratorium today. Currently, overall BGN 1.390 bn have been already invested in this project and we are seeking a solution to this problem," stated Borissov.
With regards to the diversification of gas supplies, Boyko Borissov stated that he expected the construction of the gas connection with Romania to be launched by May this year, while that with Greece to begin by the year end. Besides, at the forthcoming intergovernmental meeting to be held in Ankara in March, the issue on the construction of the cross-border gas pipeline with Turkey is also expected to be solved.
On her part, Hillary Clinton expressed support to the Bulgarian GERB government on issues of environmental safety. "I will send Richard Morningstar to hold special expert-level talks on the manner in which the USA can help more to protect your environment and achieve your energy objectives," stated Clinton. Morningstar is the Special Envoy for the U.S. Secretary of State for Eurasian Energy.
Clinton also focused on combating the illicit trafficking in nuclear material, probably referring to Iran's programme for the manufacture of atomic weapons. She also stated that she expected support from the Bulgarian government for the protection of the entire EU from missile attacks and on the plans for building anti-missile shield, including on our territory.
Hillary Clinton encouraged the efforts of the GERB Cabinet for the integration of the Roma minority. After her visit to the Council of Ministers, she attended a meeting with Roma representatives at the U.S. embassy as well.
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Публикувана на 02/05/12 19:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194535_Boyko+Borissov%3A+The+environment+is+a+top+priority+for+Bulgaria+
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