02/05/12 18:40
Hillary Clinton: You must complete the reform of the judiciary

Rosen Plevneliev expressed gratitude for the support on the part on the United States in this area, announced officials from the Press office of the President. They added that Plevneliev had informed Clinton about the introduction of the e-government in Bulgaria as an important step for improving the business environment and curbing corrupt practices.
Both sides underlined the excellent level of cooperation in the field of defence and security. The joint military facilities in Bulgaria received a high assessment and prospects for their effective use in the context of the new US strategy for defence were considered. The commitment of Bulgaria to the restoration of peace in Afghanistan was confirmed at the meeting, since Clinton gave a high appraisal of the Bulgarian contribution in this process.
”The overall assessment is that our bilateral economic relations are characterized by substantial unused potential, and that Bulgaria offers some of the most favourable conditions for foreign investors. Rosen Plevneliev said that Bulgaria would continue to encourage US entrepreneurs to invest in the country’s economy,” stated the press release of the presidential institution.
The energy sector was specified as a particularly promising area for cooperation. President Plevneliev outlined three main priorities in this field - the energy efficiency, the energy independence and the energy liberalisation. He emphasised the importance of the construction of the gas interconnection links with neighbouring countries.
Plevneliev expressed his hope that the removal of the visa restrictions for Bulgarian citizens travelling to the USA and the conclusion of bilateral agreement on social security would be addressed soon as well. The Secretary of State indicated that the efforts of the Obama’s administration in cooperation with the US. Congress, aimed at finding positive solutions of these issues, would continue.
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Публикувана на 02/05/12 18:40 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194524_Hillary+Clinton%3A+You+must+complete+the+reform+of+the+judiciary
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