02/05/12 20:10
Some 10% more Romanian tourists expected in Bulgaria in 2012

Two years ago, Bulgaria was presented as a tourist destination in Romania. Some 4.6% growth in the number of Romanian tourists was recorded as a result of this initiative. In 2011, every fourth foreign tourist in the country was Romanian. Our resorts were visited by 980,400 citizens of our northern neighbor country, it became clear after the meeting of the Romanian and Bulgarian tour operators in Veliko Tarnovo.
We will attract tourists in the old Bulgarian capital with special weekend packages. These will include a unique sound-light show, which will be held every Saturday. Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Daniel Panov said that joint workshops were foreseen for the April Cultural Tourism exhibition, and bilateral cooperation agreements were expected to be signed on these issue. Nearly 100,000 Romanian tourists visited the ancient capital in 2011, representing 27% of the foreign tourists.
”The number of tourists in the winter resorts increased by about 8%,” said Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Tourist Chamber Evelyn Videnov for the Focus agency and added that he believed that they would bring some 10% more revenue.
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Публикувана на 02/05/12 20:10 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194537_Some+10%25+more+Romanian+tourists+expected+in+Bulgaria+in+2012
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