07/27/11 19:30
The number of Russian tourists in Bulgaria increases by 23%

According to him, the Russian market has the greatest development potential and the forecasts are for trips from there to increase by 44% next year. The data from the study of this market shows that the stay of Russian tourists in Bulgaria is12 nights, which is one night more than their stay in Turkey and Greece. During their trips, Russian tourists spend €840 per person on average, or €69 per night. Russian tourists in Bulgaria are mostly young and middle-aged people but, in the future, the target group will be tourists of up to 34 years of age. “Some 24% of all Russian tourists are families with children,” explained Marinov.
According to data of MEET, some 80% of the visits of Russian people are made with the purpose of spending their holidays since three-quarters of them go to the sea coast. Rooms and apartments in 4-star and 5-star hotels are the preferred type of accommodation. Sea tourism accounts for some 70-75% of the revenues in the sector.
The advertising campaign of Bulgarian tourism in Russia, which took place in the period September 2010 - July 2011, cost nearly BGN 1.3 mln, announced experts from MAG Advertising, the company in charge of the campaign. The funds were allocated under Operational Programme Regional Development.
“A similar marketing strategy is being prepared for the UK as well. It is is scheduled to start in the autumn,” stated Ivo Marinov.
The information campaign conducted in Russia targeted audiences between 20 and 50 years of age, and television was the main channel. According to Gallup Russia, some 73% of Russian citizens travelling to Bulgaria, and less than 66% of those planning a trip, have received information through television. The total audience of the campaign was estimated at over 10 million people.
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Публикувана на 07/27/11 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176496_The+number+of+Russian+tourists+in+Bulgaria+increases+by+23%25
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