02/06/12 17:17
Collective shopping sites offer deals on credit

Kolektiva.bg is the first site for collective shopping in Bulgaria offering this additional service. “I am glad we can offer this new service to our clients. The option to get credit will not only facilitate online shopping but will also enable more people to take advantage of the good bargains offered. I am grateful to our partners - TBI Credit – who helped us put this idea in practice and promote the development of online trading in Bulgaria,” said Paris Childress, Manager of Kolektiva.bg.
Despite the fact that the service is being launched for the first time on a site for collective shopping, it is already available in some online stores. For example, since October 2011, we have had the opportunity to shop on credit from the online store of Multirama in partnership with JetCredit. The online store of Technomarket also offers options for shopping on credit. Several more options are offered as well – through CrediBul, which is part of the international consumer financing division of Societe Generale Group; JetCredit; UniCredit Consumer Financing and TBI Credit. Easy Asset Management (Easy Credit) offers loans for shopping in large supermarkets and hypermarkets. The loans are for amounts of BGN 100 and BGN 200, and are extended within 20 minutes with minimum requirements.
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Публикувана на 02/06/12 17:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/194605_Collective+shopping+sites+offer+deals+on+credit
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