02/09/12 18:57
Plevneliev promises a law on the National Intelligence Service by the end of 2012

"The Law on the National Intelligence Service should be completed by the end of the year," said Plevneliev, quoted by the President’s Press Office. "A working law and clear rules are needed in order to allow NIS to operate effectively. This can happen in 2012 with the joint efforts of the presidential administration and the responsible institutions, "emphasised the Head of State.
According to the press release, the President declared his full confidence, understanding and support for the operation of the service.
"The institutions need preventive, accurate and adequate information.The NIS will have good prospects with the clear rules which have to be established," added Plevneliev. He promised that employees will have the necessary working conditions and options for career development.
The President declared that he will deal with the National Intelligence Service on mutual confidence terms and direct communications. "The activity of NIS and estimates thereof are not visible, but the administration enjoys strong respect and prestige because it does not serve political parties and leaders but works in favour of the national interest," said the Head of State.
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Публикувана на 02/09/12 18:57 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/195056_Plevneliev+promises+a+law+on+the+National+Intelligence+Service+by+the+end+of+2012
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