10/27/11 19:45
Ivaylo Kalfin, the presidential candidate nominated by the Coalition for Bulgaria: Bulgaria's strong desire to advance forward charges me with positive energy

- Mr. Kalfin, how do you feel a week before the runoff?
- I feel as if I am at the end of the election campaign. I think all the messages which had to be delivered have already been given. If I must summarise the outcome of the election campaign, then I regret that it failed to give enough publicity to the political alternatives before Bulgaria. I still think that more debates concerning presidential powers should have been held between the election candidates. This could have happened even during the week before the runoff but, unfortunately, Mr. Plevneliev did not express the wish to join me in the political debate, despite the invitation I extended to him.
The topics concerning foreign policy and domestic national security remained undiscussed by the candidates, given that they are of paramount importance and within the prerogatives of the President.
- What charges you with positive energy at the end of the presidential campaign?
- The people's strong desire for Bulgaria to advance forward charges me the most. Of course, there are different views as to how this can happen. But what really fills me with confidence is the fact that Bulgarian people have not been discouraged, despite the difficulties, while seeking ways to find the proper rescue path.
I hope the political alternative offered by us - together with Professor Stefan Danailov - will be viewed as the better concept. It is a European, democratic alternative, linked to the efforts of generations of Bulgarians over recent decades for Bulgaria to become a respected European country.
- Political parties and presidential candidates criticised the organisation and the way in which the elections took place. There were people who could not exercise their voting rights. Are not you worried that this will result in lower electoral activity on Sunday's runoff?
- The poor organisation of the elections can hinder people from voting but it can also inspire them to exercise their right to vote. I have observed many elections abroad, including those held in newly formed countries such as Kosovo. Besides, I have participated in Bulgarian elections and I can really say that what is happening in our country fails to meet any global political standards. If Bulgaria had not been an EU member-state, EU observers attending our elections would have literally scrutinised all violations and Bulgaria would have been penalised with drastically low grades. However, nobody should dare think that, once we joined the EU, all democratic standards can be neglected. I repeat that the political chaos, the poor election organisation, as well as the suspected fraudulent replacement of the final results and the pressure exerted during the election campaign, including the interference of the police and the state administration proved that the elections failed to comply at all with any democratic standards.
- You mentioned that you have observed elections held in many countries. If you are elected as Bulgaria's President, would you declare yourself in favour of online voting which is currently effective in Brazil, for example?
- I will insist on the introduction of online voting. This was first provided for by the Election Code and afterwards the people who submitted this stipulation rejected it. In this way, the election process itself and the reporting of the final results can be made easier. Of course, provided that there are guarantees for the anonymity of voters and for the prevention of ballot manipulation. Therefore, I think it is mandatory for electronic voting to be introduced as soon as possible.
- Excuse me, but are you not afraid that having run for President, you will be placed in the difficult position of a person who starts a business on September 9, 1944? You criticise the economic policy pursued by GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) but if you are elected President, you will need to work with the GERB government and its parliamentary majority.
- I am not afraid! Especially given my confidence that there will be a turn of events. The question is whether this reversal of political attitudes will manifest itself as early as these elections. There will be runoffs in many settlements in our country. I see already a lot of people who are aware of the faulty policy of the GERB government. It is inadmissible for a government which defines itself as a right-wing one to act in practice to the detriment of the business sector. Its actions have been noticed and assessed. The reversal of political attitudes is a matter of time. However, the problem is that, until that point, plenty of damage will be inflicted to the Bulgarian state.
I am sure that the safe future of Bulgaria will require the rescue efforts of all our citizens.
In fact, the President's vocation is to unify the nation.
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Публикувана на 10/27/11 19:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/185145_Ivaylo+Kalfin%2C+the+presidential+candidate+nominated+by+the+Coalition+for+Bulgaria%3A+Bulgaria%27s+strong+desire+to+advance+forward+charges+me+with+positive+energy
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