02/20/12 19:13
Severe penalties for road killers are on the way

One of the proposals is to ban agreements with the Prosecutor’s Office in cases of proven fault by the driver, for example, when he/she has consumed alcohol. The issue was discussed at a roundtable at the National Assembly, at the insistence of parents of children killed on the road. The parents insisted on classifying road offenses committed after the consumption of alcohol as crimes with intent.
Parents criticised Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office, Valeri Parvanov, insisting on stopping the practice of concluding agreements with the culprits, after which the latter are only sentenced on probation.
“We want effective sentences, I don’t want to hear ‘released on probation’,” said Nelly Petrova, whose daughter Lora was killed on a pedestrian crossing in the city of Varna.
Interior Minister Tsvetanov supported these demands and insisted on a more adequate legislation with regard to road accidents. “I will give as an example the case of Nelly, whose daughter Lora was killed on pedestrian crossing in Varna. She received a notice that the Prosecutor’s Office and the offender had concluded an agreement without Nelly’s knowledhe and consent and a suspended sentence was passed on the culprit. Nobody can give a plausible explanation for such an agreement and why the side of the victims is not contacted,” said Tsvetanov. He added that legislative amendments connected with the safety on roads would be a ‘political commitment’ of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria).
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Публикувана на 02/20/12 19:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196037_Severe+penalties+for+road+killers+are+on+the+way
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