03/25/12 19:21
Parents of children killed on the road demand that the EU punishes Bulgaria
The participants in the initiative insisted that EU institutions should not stop issuing negative reports about the Bulgarian judicial system and that Bulgaria should not accede to the Schengen area, unless the country addresses the problem of running over innocent people. Bulgaria ranks first in Europe in terms of fatality rates.
Parents quoted Deputy Chief Prosecutor Valeri Parvanov, “Children die in various ways “, as an example of ”the severe moral and institutional crisis" in our judicial system. According to another statement of Parvanov, “effective punishments have not been imposed on many criminals because prisons are overcrowded and there is no place for more people”.
The letter reveals that there is no dialogue and communication with the judiciary. The devastated parents tried unsuccessfully to meet with President of the Supreme Court of Cassation Lazar Gruev.
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Публикувана на 03/25/12 19:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199351_Parents+of+children+killed+on+the+road+demand+that+the+EU++punishes+Bulgaria
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