04/28/11 20:00
Andrey Delchev, Head of BPGA: The price of fuel in Bulgaria cannot reach BGN 2

BPGA commented the protesters' proposal for an introduction of a zero excise duty on pure biodiesel.
According to Delchev, tax warehouses for the most consumed fuels must remain in order to prevent the existence of a grey sector. In fact, the repeal of the customs control was one of the protesters' proposals. For Bulgaria, at present, it is more important the customs control to limit the informal sector and smuggling, which reached up to 20-30% in the fuel sector, rather than liberalizing it again and making it more attractive, explained BPGA.
Yesterday, one of a series of scheduled protests against the expensive fuels began relatively quiet, but nevertheless in the evening before the temple-monument St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral around 300-400 people gathered with their cars. Beforehand, columns of several dozens of vehicles blocked Tsar Boris III Blvd.
The protesters' cars were also parked at the parking lots at the stores of the wholesale chain METRO in the Lyulin residence quarter and at that on Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. Their vehicles could also be found before the stores of the retail chain Baumax. Protesters blocked the traffic for alomost an hour along Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd. in the direction of Eagle's Bridge. Following the vigil in memory of the six young people killed in the car crash on the eve of Easter in the town of Simeonovgrad, the protest against the high fuel prices started in the city of Veliko Tarnovo. The citizens of Gabrovo joined afterwards. The protest organizers had scheduled to block the highway Russe – Svilengrad at the entrance to the Hainboaz Passage, but the police did not allow them.
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Публикувана на 04/28/11 20:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166920_Andrey+Delchev%2C+Head+of+BPGA%3A+The+price+of+fuel+in+Bulgaria+cannot+reach+BGN+2
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