02/28/12 17:07
A National action plan aimed at promoting the use of electric vehicles drafted

Moscovski said further that officials from the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism have started a research on the development of this type of transport in Europe. They will investigate how car manufacturers are being motivated to produce vehicles using alternative fuels.
“Promoting the production of electric vehicles is in line with the new approach towards the economic development of the country,” said Julieta Hubenova, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism at the opening of the forum. According to her, this approach relies on sectors with high intensity of innovations, ensuring long-term and sustainable economic growth, taking care of the environment and contributing to a higher standard of living. According to Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov, Bulgaria is among the first countries in the EU to place electric vehicles in the core of the development of sustainable mobility.
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Публикувана на 02/28/12 17:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196788_A+National+action+plan+aimed+at+promoting+the+use+of+electric+vehicles+drafted
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