02/28/12 19:03
Construction of artificial beaches permitted

“The new legislation will regulate control over rents for sea beaches,” Topalov said. There will also be clear rules on the way MRDPW and Regional Governors will control concessionaires. It is planned for the illegal extraction of sand to be penalised, a provision which is missing in the current law.
“The amendments to the law will put an end to the chaotic development and over-development at the sea coast,” said Regional Development and Public Works Minister Liliana Pavlova. She explained that construction in the 100-meter zone from the coast is being limited and strict control will be exercised over floor construction. A ban on the use of temporary stalls along the beach and in zone "A" is being introduced as well.
About 165 km of the beaches are coastline and some 160 km are divided into 207 separate sea beaches. Out of these, a total of 44 km are concessioned and 32 km are rented. Most of them (112) are in the Burgas region.
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Публикувана на 02/28/12 19:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196814_Construction+of+artificial+beaches+permitted
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