03/04/12 20:05
Plevneliev: Bonuses should be allocated in every prosperous country

"We need a depoliticised public administration. In fact, prerequisites are necessary for the creation of an effective and responsible administration which will be much less subject to corruption pressure. Besides, the priority of the ruling party GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) is the setting up of an e-government, which will create a more responsible administration," commented also the President.
The Bulgarian military missions abroad are of huge importance. They assist the formation of a dynamic and combat-ready army, which will be able to respond to the challenges of the 21st century," stated also President Plevneliev.
"I wanted to be with the Bulgarian troops in Afghanistan at this difficult moment of escalating tension after NATO soldiers burned a copy of the Quran. I witnessed a brilliant troop drill results and excellent military training there," stated the Head of State. Plevneliev revealed that he had visited the Afganistan military base jointly with U.S. Ambassador James Warlick with an american airplane.
I felt like I was involved in some miraculous Star Wars in Afghanistan. I saw all kinds of aircrafts there involving combat, transport and vertical take-off ones, stated the President.
According to him, Bulgaria should support the idea of "smart defence", which is planned to be adopted at the future May meeting of NATO in Chicago. This means that the countries invloved in the Stability Pact should arm themselves and defend together under an integrated scheme.
Plevneliev expressed also his support for the water reform planned by the GERB government, as well as for the introduction of clear responsibilities for dam operators.
Regarding the resources in the Silver Fund, Plevneliev said that they should be managed conservatively.
For the first time, the presidential administration does not involve collaborators of the former communist NSS
For the first time since the beginning of the Transition, the presidential administration does not involve former agents of the Communist National State Security. This became clear from the website of the Secret Files Commission. The new identity verification of the officials in the Presidency was made because of the personnel changes after the inauguration of the new Head of State, Rosen Plevenliev, on January 22. The investigated state officials involve the newly appointed Chief Secretary, the Head of Cabinet, secretaries, advisers, heads of departments and sectors. In fact, eight people were inspected, while nine others could not be subject to inspection because they were born after July 16, 1973. Overall 11 collaborators of the former NSS served in the previous presidential administration.
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Публикувана на 03/04/12 20:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/197291_Plevneliev%3A+Bonuses+should+be+allocated+in+every+prosperous+country
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