03/29/12 19:24
88-year-old man severly bitten by dogs in Sofia

The victim was hospitalised at the Military Hospital where he had several major surgeries. Doctors fought for hours to save the patient's limbs from amputation. His condition is still critical, doctors explained today. Tachkov also had heart problems due to huge blood loss.
"The leader of the dangerous pack of dogs was caught," Manol Neykov, head of the municipal enterprise Ecoravnovesie, responsible for stray dogs, said today. "Our employees will remain in the area until we catch all the dogs from the pack. There is an instruction for all the dogs involved in the attack to be caught and euthanised," said Neykov.
"We have information that these dogs have been fed with raw bones, which is inadmissible," said Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova. According to her, amendments to the Ordinance on dogs will be approved, stipulating more severe sanctions for people who feed stray dogs. "The Ordinance stipulates a fine of BGN 2,000 for aggressive pet dogs," reminded the Mayor. "I expect the Ministry of Agriculture to change the Ordinance so that we can build more shelters at reasonable prices and accommodate more dogs there, while aggressive dogs will be euthanised," specified Fandakova.
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Публикувана на 03/29/12 19:24 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199921_88-year-old+man+severly+bitten+by+dogs+in+Sofia
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