06/15/11 19:44
Eight people dead after an accdient on Trakia highway
The incident occurred on Wednesday night, near Plovdiv, after the road fork to the town of Hissar. A bus travelling on the Sofia – Burgas line hit the roadside railings, turned over and burst into flames. It burned away almost entirely; the windows were broken and the ceiling fell. The vehicle is owned by the Burgas Tour 90 Company. According to the initial data, its speed was of 100 km /h, within the permitted limit.
The youngest victim among the passengers was 14 years old. Relatives of the victims identified the bodies. The Spokeswoman of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior - Stara Zagora, Yonka Georgieva was killed as well. A total of 31 people travelled in the bus. Some 22 of them sought medical treatment after the incident. A 46-year-old patient, with cranial trauma, was in critical condiction until last night. A 5-year-old child, in shock over the death of his mother and sister, is among the distressed persons as well.
Minister of Transport, Ivaylo Moscovski, said that according to the inspections, the bus was moving at a permitted by law speed . Plovdiv District Prosecutor announced that if the driver was found guilty, he could get a term of 5 to 15 years in prison. The inspection found that the driver of the bus had passed the compulsory psychological examination on May 3, this year. He was in good condition after the incident and was detained for 24 hours. A pre-trial proceeding was initiated against him. His alcohol sample was negative, and he denied any blame for the heavy catastrophe. The second driver died during the incident.
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Публикувана на 06/15/11 19:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172146_Eight+people+dead+after+an+accdient+on+Trakia+highway+
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